Every year, we wake up one day and realize it's the New Year. In addition to signing checks and the like with '2016' for the first three months of the year, this season comes with resolutions. The feeling of having a clean, fresh start is in the air and you're prompted to reevaluate your goals. The kicker is that many times, those resolutions fall through the cracks and nothing ever materializes. To help you combat this and stick to your guns, we've come up with three easy strategies to remember when the going gets tough.
1. Conquer One Goal At A Time It's easy to get caught in the hype of resolutions. You suddenly want to turn your normal life upside down, change careers and move to a foreign country. We get it, however, make goals that are both attainable and timely. Set one goal per month, accomplish it, and then move on. For example, let's say your goal is revamping your wardrobe. Take the first weekend of the month to clean out all the clothing you don't want, the following you can donate it, then you can move on to purchasing new things!
2. Make Attainable Goals Going to extremes is never the answer, it just sets you up for failure. If you have a sweet tooth, saying you're never going to eat sweets again is probably not going to happen, right? So set goals that you know you can conquer. For example, limiting sweets to the weekends only.
3. Failing Is O.K. If you don't make it to your workout and end up having pizza for dinner, all's not lost. Make note of the situation and wake up the next day with your resolution in mind. Another positive way to keep your progress up no matter what your goal may be is to plan rewards. If you study all day successfully for that upcoming exam, grab yourself a pair of new heels or take yourself to a nice dinner.