"I could afford to lose a few pounds" is a much more common inner thought among women than you think. In fact, according to the statistics from the Park Nicolette Melrose Center, approximately 80% of U.S. women don’t like how they look. That's not just women who think they are obese, but also a huge percentage of the average American woman, who's a size 14.
But over the years, brands, idols, and people have spoken up to change the average women's confidence. Let's talk about Body Positivity!
Body Shaming: A Recap
It's no secret that in marketing, the easiest tactic is to attack our insecurities. And yet, some ads that deliberately body shame anyone and everyone that doesn't fit a model size went too far in sending a sinister message: if you don't look perfect, you're not beautiful.From scandalous sites like Ashley Madison, to brands we love like Victoria's Secret, and even PETA (yes, PETA tried to fatshame people to go vegetarian. No problem with the intent, but still) body shaming in ads such as lingerie, weight loss, and fashion has lead to more than low self-esteem. Eating disorders, bullying, and a rise in unhealthy diet fads and crazes have left the modern consumer feeling isolated, judged, and never (literally) fitting in.
And that also counts for the models that fit the idealized standard: up until recently, most models and celebrities still had their photos retouched during production and looked drastically different than they do in person.
But after years, no, decades of this form of marketing, consumers were tired of being told they weren't beautiful. And it was the combination of social media and new brands that brought a stronger voice to the body positivity movement.
Callouts in the Media
With plus size fashion brands creating campaigns against Victoria Secret, like Lane Bryant with #I'mnoAngel and new brands pushing size inclusion, the public has begun to realize something that should be obvious: all women are beautiful. All shapes are beautiful.And if a brand you loved doesn't want to celebrate your beauty and all it's imperfections, there's plenty of boutiques, lingerie, brands, models, fashion shows, and designers who do. And the demand for inclusivity has shaken up the industry, leaving some brands scrambling to change, and other correcting their strategies to be what the consumer wants.
But with all the shaking up, what exactly is 'Body Positivity'?
How Everybody Has a Perfect Body
Body Positivity is speaking about our bodies, and all the shapes they come in, in a positive, inclusive, and empowering manner. It's about celebrating not just how you feel about your body, but how your body makes you feel.Whether you're thin or curvy, on a diet, excersizing, or just living your best life, the movement is all about celebrating the body you have in the moment. Rather than chasing a body shape of the future, or a shape that may be unattainable, we should buy the cute clothes we like, go to the beach, and literally love your body like you love your face and other aspects of your life.
Have a great, beautiful day, GLOSSIES.