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The Experts Explain

March Mood Board

Writer and expert6 years ago
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Close your eyes. Now, picture a woman with a big smile on her face, who is always laughing, helping others, and blazing trails. Is she not the most beautiful woman in the world to you? At GLOSSYBOX we know that beauty is much more than skin-deep, and this month we are celebrating everything that makes women beautiful.Whether they are back-breakers, ball-busters, or trail-blazers, this March, we are focusing on stories of women who will inspire our GLOSSIES to be a true beauty themselves! FORM BEAUTYAfter hearing and seeing the struggles women faced to control their locks, the team at FORM knew they wanted to create product lines to help women embrace their hair. The chemists and scientists behind the scenes were able to develop the assortment because they are a team of fierce and intelligent women, who had the same hair issues themselves. Keep your eyes posted on our blog for FORM's story, coming soon!LIGHT TRAVELS FASTEROnce she achieved boss-lady status as a corporate lawyer, Eileen felt her passion may lie elsewhere. In her previous life, Eileen was a professional dancer and her desk job made her miss being able to express herself so freely. In an effort to have a creative outlet she decided to create her own blog LIGHTTRAVELSFASTER. Look forward to reading her interview and how she balances a 9-5 with her hankering for creativity, coming up later this month!THE PRINCESS OF PILATESShe created an entire workout method, opened up a studio on the west coast, is an active contributor to numerous Health and Wellness publications, and it doesn't hurt that her bubbly personality is contagious! Andrea Spier is one of the most watched trainers in the US and now Europe. Her warm personality and extensive knowledge of the physiology of movement has captured the eyes of women who are looking to live a healthy life everywhere. Find out how she got started, and what keeps her motivated, this month in our exclusive interview!
Writer and expert
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